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Will It Be Possible To Live Forever?


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Basically, human has their evolution from baby to elder and what would they look like if they lived forever? Not to count the possibility of reproduction, which is also one of the characteristic of a living object? If they reproduce, the amount of human living on earth will excess on such a small planet where nobody dies.

I personally would not want to live forever. In religion take “Islam” as an example, they believe in heaven also hell as a place for afterlife, where humans are divided and decided to live there forever.

Living forever has been a fantasy and entertainment to our imagination. Hollywood had put this idea into movies, such as the “Twilight Saga” where Edward Cullen and the rest of the vampires are immortal, and they stay young forever. Along with the romance happening in the movie had made teen fan girls starts to agree with living forever and having an eternity love life.

My conclusion is, living forever would be the best and worst idea.  It will not be possible to live forever.The only way to get the feeling of living forever is to live our lives at the fullest and have nothing to regret.

Ravinda Putri Kusumaningtyas Wibowo XD

Living Forever?


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Will it be possible to live forever?

We were all destined to not live forever, especially for our temporary life. Each people have their own life ages, but some people have higher life averages than others, which is for instance japanese and chinese. Most of them could live in average from 70 years until a century.

In fact, Tuti Yusupova, a woman who was born in Uzbekistan, had lived for 131 years from 1 July 1880. Besides her, people in different nationalities like indonesia also have a high life expectation average. As an example, Aisyah binti Lambot. Although there's no proof such as birth certificate, many believed that she had lived for 150 years. Aisyah had been recognized as the oldest people that had ever lived by guinness book of record and indonesian record.

But living forever? It is impossible, no doubt about it. Scientifically, people around the world lived for  50 until 80 years. But asians, which is dominated by chinese people, could live until 100. But no human could be immortal or live forever in this temporary world.

As my conclusion, i would like to say that immortal in this world won't be possible. Everyone has their own life ages, but no one could be immortal and it is, and will forever be, anybody's destiny.

Aqil Anindhityo Raharjo XD-9



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The purpose of the report is to inform people about the condition of badminton and soccer in Indonesia.I interview some of my friends in 10-D at labsky senior high school .
 All people that I have intervieved said that the achievements Indonesian atheletes got in badminton and soccer are great.But the government hasn’t give enough respect the atheletes.Even though the some of the people didn’t agree with the way the athletes being treated,they still have hopes for Indonesian badminton and soccer. For the athletes,some of my  friends like Oktavianus Maniani for the Indonesian soccer player,he’s from Papua and play at the club names Sriwijaya FC,and also some of my friends like Taufik Hidayat for Indonesian badminton player,he present many trophy for Indonesia.Now the Indonesian athletes have more develop than the years before this year.
The conclusion of the data is Indonesian people still have a hope with the soccer and the badminton team it’s a pity that the government  didn’t treat the athletes in a great way.

Raqa Kharisma Hasli XD



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     Technology has made such a big impact in our lives. So has it been a big impact in progress to Indonesia's future and past.
     Many decades before now, residents used the traditional way to deliver messages. They used trained pigeons as messengers to deliver letters. Considering Indonesia as a very broad country, it takes days, maybe weeks to deliver a single message 'if' nothing gets in the way.
     Nowadays, telephones has made to its very modern look, face, appearance, with highly advanced technology in small cases. Just touch a button on the screen and you can video call someone even in another country, without having a bird to carry your phone give the message and bring it back. Not only for text messages or calls, several restaurants use these 'tablets' as a device to deliver order to the kitchen.
     Here's my single question interview to a friend about the topic above

     Q: What do you think about the progress of technology in Indonesia? is it good? or is it the opposite?
     A: From what i see, the technology hasn't been very progressive. We're still using technology produced by other countries. But, i also think Indonesians are smart enough to make new and better ones. We will have great technologies in the future.

     I agree with my friend's answer. I believe that in the future, technology made by Indonesians would turn out to be huge, brilliant also world wide.
     That's all from me, thanks for reading :)

Ravinda Putri Kusumaningtyas Wibowo XD/33



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The purpose of my writing of this report is to inform the development of sport in Indonesia, on the basis of most of the web, blogs, twitter and the development of what I read,I write this report, I intend to write this report so that most people will know how the conditions of Indonesia's sports

based on the data I classification from year to year to sports condition in Indonesia is increasing, starting from the football which is now prominent in indonesia's people, but there are many more sports that may be more evolved than football, for example, just a bike, it's thousands in Indonesia using a bicycle.

This sport (bicycle) is not only growing in the capital alone is highly developed but also in other regions, bali example, solo, Bogor, and Bandung, Indonesia in the year 2010/2011 has been a lot of holding the medal, an example of the athlete swimming, basketball, base ball, and a wide range of other athletes, so I am proud to be one of the basketball athletes from Indonesia.

Rayhan Athaya XD



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Indonesia is pretty well known about its animals, plants and cultural diversity in the world. Recently, indonesian cultures such as traditional dances, has been known, learned, and has gained popularity around the world. For example gamelan, it has been taught in several art universities in Japan and disseminated, or angklung, which has been performed in front of americans, british, japanese and other peoples in different nationalities. But, as the technology continues to develop, young generation have found their kind of interests, which is, for instance, gadgets, and some of them may had already forgotten about their own country's cultures.

Based on my research, most of my friends know about indonesian heritages well, but they do not apply them in their life, also they do not know how to perform those cultures, such as saman or angklung. Efforts that they do in order to protect indonesia's heritages? About less than half of 20 people prefer to do and learn traditional dances and instruments of indonesia. The others still haven't done anything significant in order to learn and spread indonesian cultures.

We can not deny that many Indonesians, especially the teenagers, even 'leave' their own cultures and fall into modern technology. It is somehow a big irony if we compare them to the other countries, many of them had started learning Indonesian cultures. In my view, this is caused by three dominating aspects, development of modern technology, less knowledge about the cultures themselves and lack of nationalism. If this problem continues, other countries may end up stealing our cultures.

Conclusively, as an Indonesian, we should protect our country, heritages and anything related to it and must not leave our cultures into modern technology. We also should start using technology itself to spread our heritages in front of the world.

Aqil Anindityo Raharjo X-D/9



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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

   As we know, Indonesian traditional snack is still being local's favorite. But some of them even don't know about our local snack. Like teenagers and kids that live in downtown and have a modern lifestyle maybe don't know what kind of tasteful snack that we have, they usually eat import and expensive cookies and candies for their snack. So, now I interviewed some of my friends about their knowledge in Indonesian traditional snack and what they like.

Q: What do you know about the existence and condition of Indonesian traditional snacks?
   I gathered many answers from my 9 friends, so I summarize it. They said that local snacks are still does exist and it cost a little and taste good, but depends on the places. Like at mall, they are hardly to find now, even though you find it there, they are so expensive and taste different. But one of my friend said that local snacks existence have decreased these days and covered by the modern snacks.
   And for the conditions, Indonesian traditional snacks quality had decreased, especially at the cleanliness. My friends said that it's not good to consume traditional snacks because the lack of awareness in food hygiene. But it depends at the place where it made and sold, if it was made and sold at supermarket, they believe it's ok to consume. One of my friend said that the portion and the taste are different these days. And I agree that.

Q: Are you still eat Indonesian traditional snacks?
   They still consumed it but 4 of them are sometimes eat that. One of my friend eat it once a week. 3 of them are often to consumed it. And one of them are depending of the hygiene.

Q: Where you usually buy Indonesian traditional snacks?
   From the survey, they usually buy it near school, crowded places, bazaar, Supermarket, Mini mart, 'Pasar Kaget', Traditional mart, and bakery. One of them said that he forgot where did he buy the local snacks.

   The result of their favorite's snacks are almost different each person, so from the results, teenagers like Putu Mayang, Serabi, Kue Lupis, Kelepon, Risoles, Gulali, Teng-Teng, Layer Cake, Martabak, 'Gorengan' and Lemper. Based on my survey, we can conclude that teenagers still know about the existence of Traditional snacks but they are rarely to consume it because the hygiene of the food and the quality. But they like to buy it and eat it because it cost a little and fit for students pocket.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Written by Nabila Elga Putri Nedria X-D/26