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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

   As we know, Indonesian traditional snack is still being local's favorite. But some of them even don't know about our local snack. Like teenagers and kids that live in downtown and have a modern lifestyle maybe don't know what kind of tasteful snack that we have, they usually eat import and expensive cookies and candies for their snack. So, now I interviewed some of my friends about their knowledge in Indonesian traditional snack and what they like.

Q: What do you know about the existence and condition of Indonesian traditional snacks?
   I gathered many answers from my 9 friends, so I summarize it. They said that local snacks are still does exist and it cost a little and taste good, but depends on the places. Like at mall, they are hardly to find now, even though you find it there, they are so expensive and taste different. But one of my friend said that local snacks existence have decreased these days and covered by the modern snacks.
   And for the conditions, Indonesian traditional snacks quality had decreased, especially at the cleanliness. My friends said that it's not good to consume traditional snacks because the lack of awareness in food hygiene. But it depends at the place where it made and sold, if it was made and sold at supermarket, they believe it's ok to consume. One of my friend said that the portion and the taste are different these days. And I agree that.

Q: Are you still eat Indonesian traditional snacks?
   They still consumed it but 4 of them are sometimes eat that. One of my friend eat it once a week. 3 of them are often to consumed it. And one of them are depending of the hygiene.

Q: Where you usually buy Indonesian traditional snacks?
   From the survey, they usually buy it near school, crowded places, bazaar, Supermarket, Mini mart, 'Pasar Kaget', Traditional mart, and bakery. One of them said that he forgot where did he buy the local snacks.

   The result of their favorite's snacks are almost different each person, so from the results, teenagers like Putu Mayang, Serabi, Kue Lupis, Kelepon, Risoles, Gulali, Teng-Teng, Layer Cake, Martabak, 'Gorengan' and Lemper. Based on my survey, we can conclude that teenagers still know about the existence of Traditional snacks but they are rarely to consume it because the hygiene of the food and the quality. But they like to buy it and eat it because it cost a little and fit for students pocket.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Written by Nabila Elga Putri Nedria X-D/26


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