The purpose of the report is to inform people about the condition of badminton and soccer in Indonesia.I interview some of my friends in 10-D at labsky senior high school .
All people that I have intervieved said that the achievements Indonesian atheletes got in badminton and soccer are great.But the government hasn’t give enough respect the atheletes.Even though the some of the people didn’t agree with the way the athletes being treated,they still have hopes for Indonesian badminton and soccer. For the athletes,some of my friends like Oktavianus Maniani for the Indonesian soccer player,he’s from Papua and play at the club names Sriwijaya FC,and also some of my friends like Taufik Hidayat for Indonesian badminton player,he present many trophy for Indonesia.Now the Indonesian athletes have more develop than the years before this year.
The conclusion of the data is Indonesian people still have a hope with the soccer and the badminton team it’s a pity that the government didn’t treat the athletes in a great way.
Raqa Kharisma Hasli XD
HAHAHA ini yang design blognya 3Dlue template yee? hahaha
juansah nama designernya!! hahahaha
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